Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Firstly, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.. =) hope you have a nice and fun holiday.

I am quite interested to know how everyone celebrated their Christmas... Personally I did what I did almost every year: I go to Adeline's house to playing Mahjong with her mother and 2 sisters. LoL.... Yesterday I lost about $30, but hey, it's not the money that counts, but as long as everybody else is happy.

Yep, in a good game of Mahjong there will definately be winners and losers. Also, U can't expect to win every game you play what. =\ So, I'd rather part with my money than to have my 3 other players snare at me.

I'm a winner in my own way.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Gosh, things are changing so fast around me

LOL, that was the first thought that came to my mind when I was asled by to switch to the new blogger... (?~!?) hmmm... ok... seems like google is owning almost everything now...

Maybe 2 months down the road all fridge magnets for pasting up my little notes will have the gooooooooooogle logo on them. Probably not!

K, my life is more or less slow paced now as I have decided to get a job after Chinese New Year. In the meantime, I will concentrate my efforts on making a website. YES, I know, with a lack in programming skills, and no design skills whatsoever, I am sure U are wondering what my work will turn out to be like.(In fact I am quite interested to find out myself) Hmmm... let's just say.. if I don't blog about it in the next entrys.... don't ask why.... K?

Friends who have seen my lately all have 1 comment:"Hey, your hair is quite long now~!" And yup, I do admit that I haven't had a haircut for 4-5 months now, and I will continue to keep it at the moment. My personal stylist(my sis) has plans for it and... hopefully I don't turn out to be a FREAK of nature.

Well.... let's just say.... if I don't release my photos on my new look... don't ask why.... k? =)

I blog, because I am bored...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you find your stay enjoyable. I may be too lazy to update my everyday events, however you may check out my tiish box for more latest happenings.